

レ デゥック アイン (Le Duc Anh) 准教授が令和4(2022)年度・東京大学卓越研究員に選ばれました。

Our recent work "Gate-controlled proximity magnetoresistance in In(1-x)Ga(x)As/(Ga,Fe)Sb bilayer heterostructures" has been published online in the 15 June 2022 issue of Physical Review B (Vol. 105, No. 23):
Summary of the work:
The magnetic proximity effect (MPE), ferromagnetic coupling at the interface of magnetically dissimilar layers, attracts much attention as a promising pathway for introducing ferromagnetism into a high-mobility non-magnetic conducting channel. Recently, our group found giant proximity magnetoresistance (PMR), which is caused by MPE at an interface between a non-magnetic semiconductor InAs quantum well (QW) layer and a ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb layer. The MPE in the non-magnetic semiconductor can be modulated by applying a gate voltage and controlling the penetration of the electron wavefunction in the InAs QW into the neighboring insulating ferromagnetic (Ga,Fe)Sb layer. However, optimal conditions to obtain strong MPE at the InAs/(Ga,Fe)Sb interface have not been clarified. In this paper, we systematically investigate the PMR properties of In1-xGaxAs (x = 0%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%) / (Ga,Fe)Sb bilayer semiconductor heterostructures under a wide range of gate voltage. Our experimental results and theoretical analysis of the PMR in these In1−xGaxAs/(Ga,Fe)Sb heterostructures show that the MPE depends not only on the degree of penetration of the electron wavefunction into (Ga,Fe)Sb but also on the electron density. These findings help us to unveil the microscopic mechanism of MPE in semiconductor-based non-magnetic/ferromagnetic heterojunctions.

レ デゥック アイン 准教授(電気系工学専攻、スピントロニクス学術連携研究教育センター)が、分子線エピタキシー国際会議 (International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, ICMBE 2022) において、 Young Investigator MBE Award を受賞しました。

堀田智貴さん(電気系工学専攻博士課程1年、田中研究室)が分子線エピタキシー国際会議で口頭講演した下記の内容により、Outstanding Student MBE Awardを受賞しました。おめでとうございます!
T. Hotta, K. Takase, K. Takiguchi, K. Sriharsha, L. D. Anh, and M. Tanaka
“Quaternary-alloy ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Ga,Fe)Sb”
21st International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Virtual Conference, Mexico, September 6-9, 2021.



Anh Labの研究提案が、UTEC-UTokyo FSI助成金に採択されました。超電導/強磁性半導体ハイブリッド構造の研究のために、2年間で2,000万円の資金が提供されます。感謝を申し上げます!