Research Facilities
We are merited by many shared facilities from the Tanaka-Ohya group, Cryogenic Research Center and Nanotechnology Platform of The University of Tokyo

III - V Group Molecular Beam Epitaxy System (EQ2100)
Base pressure: 1×10^-10Torr
Installed sources:
Ga,Al,In(Group III)
Si, Be (Dopants)
Mn, Fe (Transition element, for magnetic material)
As(Group V) EPI Valved cracker cell 500 cc
Sb (group V) MBE Komponenten valved cracker cell 420 cc
In-situ observation: Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED)
※ Using under collaboration with Tanaka lab

Dirac-Materials Molecular Beam Epitaxy System (MBE508)
Base pressure: 1×10^-10Torr
Installed sources:
Ga,Al,In(Group III)
Sn, Bi, Fe
As(Group V) EPI Valved cracker cell 500 cc
Sb (group V) K-cell
In-situ observation: Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED)
※ Using under collaboration with Tanaka lab
Metal Molecular Beam Epitaxy System (System M)
Base pressure: 1×10^-9Torr
- Substrate can be cooled using Liquid Nitrogen
MBE chamber (4 ports): Fe,Al,Sn - E-beam deposition chamber (3 pockets): SiO2, Nb, EuS
Available for Shadow-mask growth

Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) System – JASCO J700
- Photo-detector:GaAs, S1 Photomultiplier (wavelength range 0.2-1.1μm)
- Magnetic field range:~1.2T
- Temperature range:4.5K ~ RT

Magnetotransport Measurement System (3 systems)
- Magnetic field range:~1T
- Temperature range:3.5K ~ RT
- Motor-driven Magnet Rotation System

Oxford Inst. Superconducting Magnet System
- Cryogen-free
- Magnetic field range:0~12T
- Temperature range:295 mK ~ RT

Magnetic Properties Measurement System 3
(Common facility of Cryogenic Research Center)
Magnetic field range:0~7T
Temperature range:1.5 K ~ RT

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) System
(Common facility of Nanotechnology Platform)
Nano-device Fabrication Lab
(Common facility of Dept. of EEIS)

Takeda Super-cleanroom
(Common facility of Nanotechnology Platform, the University of Tokyo)